きよ工房 (きよぴ)さんのご紹介



ハンドメイドが大好きで、やってみたい と思ったらやらずには居られなくて 今まで色々な物を作って来ました。そんな私が、たい焼きポーチと初めて出会ったのは約6年前!

既に作って居る方は数名居たのですが自分でも作ってみたくて発案者のたい焼き師匠に制作の許可をもらい作り方を丁寧に教えていただきました。最初に比べたら丈夫になり自信もつきたい焼きポーチ以外にもレザークラフトを作れるようになりました!今では旦那さんの長財布、キーケース、 スマホカバーは私の手作りになりました。自分が欲しいと思った物は自分で作っているので販売する物も個性的な物が多いと思いますが、手にしてもらえたら 嬉しく思います(*‘ω‘ *)


#きよ工房 #きよぴ #レザークラフト #たい焼きポーチ

Kiyo Kobo (Kiyo-Pi)
Shizuoka in Japan

Nice to meet you. I am raising two boys and working leisurely in my spare time.

​ I love handmade goods, and when I feel like trying something, I can't help but do it.

I first encountered taiyaki pouches about 6 years ago!

There were several people who had already made them, but I wanted to try making them myself, so I asked the Taiyaki master who invented them for permission to make them, and he carefully taught me how to make them. Compared to the first one, it became sturdier and I gained confidence! Now my husband's long wallet, key case, and phone cover are all handmade by me. I make what I want by myself, so I think many of the items I sell are unique, but I would be happy if you could have them (*'omega' *)

. ​ I hope you will be able to find what you are looking for in my products.

