
忙しい日々を過ごしているあなたへ… miiminは、お花を使ったアクセサリーのお店です。


忙しい日々を過ごしている方に、身につけるアクセサリーにお花があることで、少しでも癒しを感じて頂けたら幸いです。あなたのお気に入りが見つかりますように·͜· ︎︎ᕷ

#miyu #ハンドメイド #アクセサリー #金木犀

Shizuoka in Japan

For those of you who are busy in your daily life... miimin is a store of accessories using flowers.

We use resin to create works with color and transparency that can be enjoyed in spring, summer, fall, and winter. Although we use real flowers, we aim to create designs that are easy to wear and not too cute, even for adults.

We hope that people who are busy in their daily lives can feel a little healing by having flowers as accessories they wear. We hope you will find your favorite -͜- ︎︎︎ᕷ



shopping site
