ANNA carefully selects various materials from Japan and overseas and combines them in creative ways to create special and elegant accessories.
ANNA's accessories, which take a lot of time to create, are truly "wearing art" and express a unique view of the world that goes beyond the framework of accessories.
An accessory that makes you want to pick it up and look at it without thinking.
I want to be a Unforgettable for a lifetime presence that gently accompanies adult women.


時間をかけて製作するANNAのアクセサリーはまさに 「芸術を纏う」アクセサリーの枠を超えた独自の世界観を表現します ⁡ 身につけて幸せに、手に取って思わず眺めたくなるアクセサリー見る人の視線を奪い一生忘れられない特別で上品 大人の女性にそっと寄り添う存在になりたいです。
